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Property Management Solution

The problem

Absence of a comprehensive digital system that would help keep track of and optimally use a wide variety of assets and their data.


Valuable assets and associated data formed an extremely complex maze as the client’s business grew. Without a highly sophisticated software application that was both powerful and yet simple, the client’s profitability and productivity was being hurt.


  • To provide a centralized software that would track network roll-outs and maintenance.
  • To help manage diverse assets right from their acquisition to decommissioning.
  • To ensure the solution seamlessly into the existing IT ecosystem of the client.


We conducted an in-depth analysis of the exact needs of the client. Next, we mapped the environment they were operating in and categorized the challenges they faced. Finally, we deployed the Siterra application that specializes in Property Management. The solution was successful in enabling the client to manage their project site and assets through a central repository. It optimized workflows and reduced project completion times. The bulk data management capabilities of the solution streamlined cycle times and provided accurate, concise and timely documentation for superior, agile decision-making.